A Chinese couple kisses on a street in Beijing July 11, during their pre-wedding photo shoot. Four theologians are studying Vatican archival material with a view of telling the whole story of how and why Blessed Paul VI wrote his encyclical "Humanae Vitae" on married love. (CNS photo/Roman Pilipey, EPA)Read More
Soldiers are shown in a scene from the movie "Dunkirk." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 —parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.Read More
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City is seen Dec. 10, 2016. An explosive device was detonated outside the offices of the Mexican bishops' conference, which sits directly across the street from the country's most visited religious site. (CNS photo/Sashenka Gutierrez, EPA)Read More
Canoe pilgrims -- Jesuit and indigenous -- are seen in Canada in mid-July. The group is paddling 540 miles, following a route used by 17th-century missionaries, in an effort to promote reconciliation. (CNS photo/courtesy Canadian Canoe Pilgrimage)Read More
Displaced Iraqis rest amid rubble after fleeing fighting between Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service forces and Islamic State militants May 15 in Mosul. (CNS photo/Danish Siddiqui, Reuters)Read More
Connie Yates and Chris Gard hold hands as they arrive at the High Court in London July 24. Pope Francis is praying for the parents of Charlie Gard after a U.S. doctor told them nothing could be done to help their son who suffers from encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. (CNS photo/Peter Nicholls, Reuters)Read More
Flu vaccine research is conducted at Georgia Tech in Atlanta June 27. Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Fla., chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, called on the Senate July 21 to fix problems with the Affordable Care Act in a more narrow way, rather than repeal it without...Read More
Venerable Sagarananda Tien and Father James Gardiner, a Franciscan Friar of the Atonement, walk with children from the U.S. Zen Institute summer camp July 12 to the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington. The Buddhist children spent the afternoon learning about Christianity, St. Francis and the Franciscans as way to understand other traditions...Read More