U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., speaks Dec. 19 after the House of Representatives passed tax reform legislation on Capitol Hill in Washington. The final bill was passed by the House and Senate Dec. 20. (CNS photo/Joshua Roberts, Reuters)Read More
Alexander McPherson portrays St. Francis of Assisi in a scene from the documentary "The Sultan and the Saint, which premieres Dec. 26 on PBS. (CNS photo/Jonathan Mount, UPF)Read More
Timothy S. McDonnell, director of music ministries at the Institute of Sacred Music, Benjamin T. Rome School of Music at The Catholic University of America in Washington, conducts an Oct. 10 Gregorian chant rehearsal at the school's St. Vincent Chapel. Gregorian chant is the singing of the liturgy and its texts are almost entirely scriptural....Read More
Elizabeth Black, assistant director of music at St. John the Beloved Church in McLean, Va., directs choir members as they sing Gregorian chant during Mass Oct. 8. Gregorian chant is the singing of the liturgy and its texts are almost entirely scriptural. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)Read More
Members of the choir sing Gregorian chant during Mass Oct. 8 at St. John the Beloved Church in McLean, Va. Gregorian chant is the singing of the liturgy and its texts are almost entirely scriptural. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)Read More
St. Gregory the Great is depicted in a stained-glass window at the motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Dominic in Amityville, N.Y. Gregorian chant is named for St. Gregory the Great, who was pope from 590 to 604. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz)Read More