Deacons who receive a salary, compensation, or a pension by reason of their secular occupation are to take care of their own and their family’s needs from the income derived from this source and, therefore, they receive no salary as a deacon.
Deacons who have no other occupational source of income and devote themselves completely to part-time or full-time ministry in the Church deserve a salary and benefits by which they can provide for their own support and that of their families. When deacons are employed in full-time positions in the Archdiocese, e.g., Central Services, Catholic Charities, a parish, they are to be compensated according to the policies for lay employees. Their salary is determined according to the appropriate lay scale and their benefit package parallels that of lay employees.
Expenses incurred by deacons in the exercise of their ministry should be compensated by the agency, institution, parish, or diocese for which the ministry is undertaken. Canon 281 §3
Voluntary offerings given in relation to liturgical service are normally to be rendered to the parish/agency unless otherwise directed.
Voluntary offerings given in relation to liturgical service are normally to be rendered to the parish/agency unless otherwise directed.
Each active deacon will have available to him an annual allowance from his ministry site to afford ongoing formation. The amount is determined by the Division of Clergy Personnel and shared with each deacon and ministry site. This money is in addition to any reimbursement entitled to the deacon for exercising his ministry such as mileage reimbursement.
Each retired deacon is to receive the same allowance from the ministry site from which he retired if he continues to minister there. If the retired deacon is providing ministry to a different ministry site, the deacon should ask that ministry site to budget for the annual allowance.
(Committee review 12-11-2020; Board review 05-04-2021; Chancellor review 06-20 2021; Ad experimentum approval 11-19-2021)