600 Professional Development Policy (Central Services Only)

600.1 Professional Development

Central Services’ employees are encouraged to attend professional development meetings, institutes, and seminars.


A) Each Division Director is responsible for budgeting and developing a process for distributing professional development funds.

B) While Division Directors should consider professional development opportunities for all employees, decisions regarding use of professional development funds shall be in the discretion of the Division Director and Executive Director.



The Performance Assessment and Development Program (PADP) for Central Services has a twofold purpose: 1) the management and assessment of the work to be done by our employees; and, 2) the identification of opportunities for employee professional growth and development. The Archdiocese is committed to the growth and success of every Central Services employee. Honest communications and useful feedback form the cornerstone for an annual performance development effort to be successful, and should become a part of routine interactions between Central Services managers and employees.

The PADP encompasses the following processes:

Collaborative setting of goals and expectations between supervisor and employee;
Ongoing conversations between supervisors and employees about job performance;
Discussion, self-evaluation, and formal end-of-year performance evaluations; and,
Establishment of employee development plans for the upcoming year.
These processes will be implemented annually coincident with the fiscal year cycle (July to June). A timeline for the annual PADP process is found at Appendix 1.

PADP Processes

1. Setting Goals and Expectations

At the beginning of the annual performance cycle, the manager and employee will jointly develop written goals and objectives and the nature of performance expected of the employee during the upcoming year. The employee’s performance goals should be aligned with the employee’s job description and with departmental goals. Supervisors should also identify the key competencies the employee will need to utilize to successfully achieve the goals and objectives.

Performance goals and objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based (SMART). The performance goals and objectives that are developed will be recorded in writing on the PADP Evaluation Form. Performance goals and objectives should be important or substantial and aligned with departmental goals. Goals may be long or short-term in nature and can encompass all or a portion of the actions that need to be accomplished during the annual performance cycle. Employees will be accountable for their performance only on matters that are within the employee’s control.

The employee and supervisor should identify the competencies that are important to successfully accomplish each of the performance goals established. Assessing the employee’s accomplishment of the assigned goals and objectives is facilitated not only by assessing the outcomes, but also by determining how the employee’s competencies impacted the accomplishment of the goals during the rating cycle. The assessment of an employee’s demonstration of competencies will form the basis of an employee development plan, to include further activities designed to develop the employee’s performance.

Included in the PADP process for all employees are the following employee competencies:

The quality, quantity and timeliness of the work

Reliability, responsiveness and initiative

Interpersonal relations (cooperation, teamwork, customer orientation)

Problem-solving and creativity

Organization and planning


Additionally, supervisory employee competencies are:

Supervision and management
Leadership and team-building

2. Performance Feedback to Employees

Having regular discussions with employees that provide meaningful feedback to employees about their performance is a significant responsibility of supervisors that is essential to a productive working relationship. This is often a difficult task for supervisors. However, the most important part of the PADP process is supervisors having honest conversations with employees about whether their performance is meeting, exceeding, or not meeting expectations.

Feedback should be used in constructive ways as to enhance the ability of employees to succeed, and/or to continue, correct, or improve their level of performance. Feedback to employees should be descriptive, rather than judgmental, i.e., descriptions of the employee’s behavior (what was done) and events (what was the context) that are linked to expected results and their impact (what happened as an outcome) will create clarity for the employee’s benefit. Similarly, the competencies important to successful accomplishment of performance goals and objectives provide a roadmap for supervisors and employees to adjust employee performance and develop employees in subsequent activities.

While it is recommended that supervisors will provide feedback to employees at various intervals throughout the annual cycle, at a minimum, supervisors must meet with their employees at or near the mid-point of the cycle (December-January) to discuss the employee’s progress, and to provide the employee an opportunity to make adjustments. This mid-point review session is a launching point for further adjustment. For example, if an employee is making progress as was expected, the meeting can be as simple as an affirmation that performance is on track. Conversely, if an employee’s progress is not meeting expectations, the mid-point session provides an opportunity for the supervisor to discuss concerns and shortcomings with the employee in ample time for the employee to make changes and corrections in order to meet expectations.

A detailed guide for supervisors use in providing feedback is attached at Appendix 2.

3. Annual Performance Evaluations

Formal annual performance reviews are a crucial part of the ongoing dialogue between managers and their employees. The objectives of the annual review meeting are to ensure that the employee and manager share a clear definition of the job, an understanding of performance expectations for the position, and an assessment of the employee’s performance. Documenting the annual evaluation will be done using the PADP Form at Appendix 3.

The components of the annual evaluation are:

The employee’s optional self-assessment of their performance for the year (using the PADP form found at Appendix 3) provided to the supervisor;

A meeting between the supervisor and employee to discuss the employee’s performance during the year; and,

The resulting assessment of the employee’s performance by the supervisor (using the PADP form found at Appendix 3,) with appropriate consideration of the employee’s self-assessment, if any.

There are three rating levels for employee performance regarding each of the goals and objectives and competencies: Meets Standards,

Exceeds Standards, and Does Not Meet Standards. Each goal and competency area will be assessed one of the three rating levels. Definitions of those levels follow.

Meets Standards – Employee’s performance consistently meets the requirements to fulfill the duties, responsibilities, objectives and expectations of the position. Performance:

Is of good quality;

Adds value to the organization;

Is steady, reliable, and is maintained with a minimum of supervision; and/or,

Is characteristic of the performance of most employees

Exceeds Standards – Employee’s performance clearly and consistently exceeds the criteria and standards required of a fully competent person. Such performance:

Is of excellent quality;
Is often above the level expected in fulfilling the principal duties, responsibilities, objectives, goals and requirements of the position;
Demonstrates the employee’s proficiency in performing difficult and complex aspects of the job competently and thoroughly;
Adds value to the organization beyond what is expected; and/or,
Illustrates that the employee is a key contributor within the organization.
Does Not Meet Standards – Employee’s performance consistently needs improvement and does not meet expectations. Such performance:

Is of poor quality;
Only occasionally meets performance expectations;
Requires more than a normal amount of guidance, supervision, and follow-up;
Is below the acceptable level and immediate substantial improvement is needed;
Demonstrates a lack of ability and/or willingness; and/or
Lacks required timeliness and/or accuracy.
After all the goals and objectives and competencies have been evaluated, an overall annual performance level rating for the employee will be assigned by the supervisor.

Failure to Meet Standards

Employees with an overall rating level of Does Not Meet Standards are not eligible for any ensuing across-the-board salary adjustments provided to Central Service employees until such time as their performance Meets Standards.

Supervisors of employees whose overall performance Does Not Meet Standards must work with Human Resources to develop and implement a Performance Improvement Plan that identifies the areas of shortcoming and the performance expectations and outcomes the employee must satisfy to elevate his/her performance level to at least the Meets Standards level. Failure of an employee to raise his/her performance to the Meets Standards level may be grounds for employment termination.

4. Employee Development Plans

During the annual evaluation process, supervisors and employees weigh the employee’s individual desires for development along with department needs, and develop an employee development plan for the coming year. The plan can be in the form of training, special projects, committee assignments, mentoring relationships, etc. that will advance and enhance the employee’s position and personal career development goals. While performance goals and objectives help to clarify the Archdiocesan expectations, employee development goals are future-oriented and are helpful in determining future assignments and jobs.

5. PADP Documentation and Recordkeeping

PADP forms should be completed and signed by both the supervisor and the employee and a copy of the signed form should be provided to the employee and to Human Resources. Completed forms will be retained in the employee’s personnel file.

Appendix 1



June 1 to June 30

Performance assessment and development program and SMART goal setting training for supervisors.

July 1 to August 15

Supervisors and employees identify employee goals, objectives and expectations, and create employee development plans – both are documented on the PADP Form

August to December

Ongoing conversations about performance

December and January

Supervisors conduct Mid-Point Reviews with employees

February to June

Ongoing conversations about performance

First week of June

Supervisors invite employees to conduct and submit optional self-evaluations of their annual performance using PADP Form

June 15

Employee deadline for submission of optional self-evaluations

July 1 to July 15

Supervisors conduct annual performance evaluation meetings and complete final evaluations on PADP Forms. Supervisors and employees may decide to also set the upcoming year’s goals, objectives and expectations during this meeting, or hold a separate meeting before August 15th for that purpose.

Appendix 2

Providing Feedback for Employee Performance

Effective feedback is:

Timely (not months after good or problematic situation)
Specific (identify impacts or effects of employee’s actions)
Behavior‐based (focus on acts, not attitudes)

Motivated by desire to help, not punish
Here’s an example: “In today’s meeting, I noticed you started to talk when Bob was still speaking. You did this again when Joan was talking. These interruptions made it hard for us to hear their ideas. I don’t think they had a chance to finish what they wanted to say. I know you are very enthusiastic about this topic, but it would be better if next time you would make sure the person talking is finished before you start. That way we’ll all get to hear ideas from everyone.”


Step 1: Raise the Issue/Concern with the Employee

Identify the area of concern
Example: “I need your help with … ” or “I am concerned about …”

Step 2: Describe the Specifics

Avoid accusations and defensiveness
Describe what was done/not done, the context, the impact, and the outcome
Encourage the employee to discuss how they feel about it
Summarize the employee’s remarks to confirm understanding/perception
Example: “When this happens … the result is ….” Or, “Why do you think that occurred?”
Step 3: Request a Change in Behavior

Mutually discuss ways to eliminate/overcome the problem
Seek the employee’s suggestions, and thoughts; Make suggestions to the employee
Example: “In the future, how can we … ?” or, “Here’s what I would suggest …”
Step 4: Agree on an Action Plan

Summarize what was discussed
Provide an opportunity for the employee to make other suggestions or comments
Set a time and place for follow‐up and evaluation of the changes
Close the discussion on a positive, upbeat note

Step 5: Follow Up

If the situation warrants it, keep a record
Evaluate how you handled the discussion and what you might do differently in the future
Set up a system for follow‐up (e.g., set appointment dates on calendar)
Continue to provide assistance to the employee as needed and appropriate
* * * * * * * * * * * *

When to Document or Put It in Writing:

When it’s something you should remember (positive or negative)
At the first sign of a success or problem
To keep track of a recurring problem
When you might take future action (positive or negative)
So that you can share documentation with the employee to clarify expectations

Appendix 3

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Performance Assessment and Development Program Form

Employee Name:

Employee Title:


Manager/Supervisor Name and Title:

Performance Assessment Period:


Upcoming Performance Assessment Period:


Did employee complete a self-evaluation? Yes No

It is attached? Yes No


The performance ratings below will be used throughout this performance evaluation where a rating is requested. Please use the alpha rating that matches most closely to the employee’s performance.

Performance Ratings

Meets Standards

A rating in this category indicates that the employee’s performance consistently
meets the requirements to fulfill the duties, responsibilities, objectives and expectations
of the position. Such performance is of good quality; adds value to the organization; is
consistent and reliable; requires a minimum of supervision; and/or is characteristic of the
performance of most employees.

Exceeds Standards

A rating in this category indicates that the employee’s performance clearly and
consistently exceeds the criteria and standards required of a fully competent person.
Such performance is of excellent quality; is often above the level expected in fulfilling the
principal duties, responsibilities, objectives, goals and requirements of the position;
demonstrates the employee’s proficiency in performing difficult and complex aspects of
the job competently and thoroughly; adds value to the organization beyond what is expected;
and/or illustrates that the employee is a key contributor within the organization.

Does Not Meet Standards

A rating in this category indicates that the employee’s performance consistently needs
improvement and does not meet expectations. Such performance is of poor quality; only
occasionally meets performance expectations; requires more than a normal amount of
guidance, supervision, and follow-up; is below the acceptable level and immediate substantial improvement is needed; demonstrates a lack of ability and/or willingness; and/or lacks required timeliness and/or accuracy.


Indicate the goals and objectives that were established in the current rating year’s performance program, and comment on the employee’s performance, results and accomplishments for each (add more rows to table if needed). Use the performance rating scale described above; place the alpha rating in the rating column below.


Goals and Objectives from previous year/Accomplishment Description


Goal/Objective 1 from current year


Goal/Objective 2 from current year


Goal/Objective 3 from current year


Goal/Objective 4 from current year


Goal/Objective 5 from current year


Supervisor’s Comments:


Review the employee competencies below and for each one, place the performance alpha rating in the box next to the competency. Use the “Supervisor’s Comments” field under each factor to provide additional background information supporting the rating as appropriate and as desired. If you select the “Does Not Meet Standards” rating for any of these performance factors, include specifics about what areas need improvement.

Performance Factor


1) JOB & TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE: Consider how well employee understands job duties and requirements, and shows competence with methods, procedures, standard practices and techniques applicable to this position.

Supervisor’s Comments:

2) INITIATIVE, INNOVATION, ADAPTABILITY, DECISION MAKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Consider the degree to which the employee is self-starting, is able to anticipate what needs to be done and takes appropriate independent action when necessary, ability to adapt to change and to explore, propose and embrace new procedures or ideas, and to adjust quickly to new situations. Consider ability to gather and analyze relevant data on matters, to identify and examine existing problems or issues in new ways, to develop and implement workable solutions, and to make sound and logical decisions.


Supervisor’s Comments:

3) QUALITY OF WORK & PRODUCTIVITY: Consider the employee’s overall productivity, accuracy and thoroughness exhibited in performance of job responsibilities, whether the employee identifies ways to improve and promote quality and/or applies feedback in an effort to improve performance, and whether the employee monitors and double-checks his/her own work to ensure quality.


Supervisor’s Comments:

4) RELIABILITY: Consider the dependability, conscientiousness and responsiveness of the employee in terms of attendance and punctuality, work habits, and ability to complete assignments and meet deadlines without sacrificing quality standards.


Supervisor’s Comments:

5) COMMUNICATIONS, CUSTOMER SERVICE & TEAM WORK: Consider effectiveness of employee’s interactions with coworkers in Central Services, parishes, and schools, as well as in external organizations in the performance of job duties;, how effectively he/she handles conflict and works to resolve situations in a courteous, cooperative and timely manner; and, whether he/she shares knowledge and expertise with others easily and frequently. Consider employee’s effectiveness in responding to requests and communicating, both verbally and in writing, to actively listen to suggestions and feedback from others and respond appropriately. Consider (if applicable) employee’s demonstrated presentation skills and contributions to meetings and group discussions.


Supervisor’s Comments:

6) LEADERSHIP, SUPERVISION & STAFF MANAGEMENT (if applicable): Consider employee’s ability to motivate and set a positive example for others in the achievement of job, departmental and archdiocesan goals and objectives. If applicable, consider his/her effectiveness in developing, motivating, and encouraging efficient and productive performance by direct reports, ability to define and delegate responsibilities, to establish priorities and deadlines, and to plan and organize effectively. Consider ability to take appropriate corrective actions and resolve conflicts through appropriate intervention and counseling.


Supervisor’s Comments:


Based on the Performance Factors (Section II) and Accomplishment of Goals & Objectives (Section I), weigh the ratings from both sections to determine the employee’s overall performance. Use the summary statement section to comment on the employee’s performance and contributions during the previous performance period, note exceptional projects or accomplishments, and describe employee’s progress in terms of previously identified areas of improvement or development activities. If feedback was received from secondary sources, include pertinent information. NOTE: If an overall rating is “Does Not Meet Standards,” a performance improvement plan must be developed for the employee with the assistance of Human Resources.


Manager/Supervisor Summary Statement (which may include feedback from other sources):


List the Goals and Objectives for the employee for the upcoming year. In general, there should be a three to five new or continuing goals for the upcoming performance period (these will be transferred to Section I during the performance evaluation process next year). These can include general and specific duties, responsibilities, projects or tasks to be accomplished by the employee. These may be immediate, short-term and long-term in nature, but should be “SMART”:

Specific – to ensure clear understanding by both the supervisor and employee;

Measurable – defining how progress and results will be determined;

Attainable – the employee should be able to accomplish within his/her authority and available resources;

Relevant – goals and objectives should be pertinent to the employee and position;

Time-based – expectations regarding time frames for progress and final completion should be established.

Performance Program Period Date From: to

Goal/Objective 1 for upcoming year:

Goal/Objective 2 for upcoming year:

Goal/Objective 3 for upcoming year:

Goal/Objective 4 for upcoming year:

Goal/Objective 5 for upcoming year:


Use this section to identify opportunities for professional growth and development for the upcoming year, including special training, classes, conferences or skill development that may enhance job performance and/or success in future assignments, developmental assignments, mentoring, etc.

NOTE: If any performance factors were rated as “needs improvement,” indicate the areas where improvement is needed and/or required and the time frame in which improvements should occur.

Development opportunity:

Development opportunity:

Development opportunity:

Areas for Improvement:

(if applicable)


Manager/Supervisor Signature Date

Employee’s Signature Date

Note: Signature by employee does not necessarily indicate an agreement with the evaluation, but rather that the employee has been provided the evaluation and has discussed it with the manager/supervisor.

(Optional) Employee Comments (Attach a separate page if desired):


Promotions shall be based on an evaluation of an employee’s past performance, ability, and whether the employee meets the qualifications for the available position.


The Division of Human Resources will provide job counseling advice to interested employees, including discussing employees’ interests, abilities, and employment goals.