

  1. Priestly Life and Ministry Board Documents
  2. Faculties
  3. Sacramental Assistance Compensation Guidelines
  4. Pastor Position Description
  5. Associate Pastor Position Description
  6. Temporary Administrator Position Description
  7. Retired Priest Policy
  8. Funeral Arrangements Form



A Temporary Administrator may be appointed for several reasons including:

  • While a pastor is away on a sabbatical or medical leave.
  • While a parish while it is awaiting permanent pastoral leadership.
  • The Temporary Administrator may be appointed full time, part time or off-site as the canonical pastoral leader during this interim.
  • No matter the reason for the appointment, there are guiding principles and duties which define the position.

The Temporary Administrator assures that parish life continues as the community awaits its permanent pastoral leader and does not make permanent innovations.

  • The Temporary Administrator must exercise caution when making decisions which effect the pastoral life of the parish;
  • He must work closely with the Regional Vicar and any changes must be in keeping with his direction from the Vicar; e.g.:
    • Liturgical Practices (e.g. changing the mass schedule or implementing new practices);
    • Physical Plant (e.g. building renovations including the rectory – no permanent alterations may be undertaken during the interim);
    • Fiscal (e.g. contracts which are binding beyond a year); and
    • Personnel ( e.g. creating or eliminating new positions) – (the list is meant to be illustrative, not exhaustive).
  • The Temporary Administrator by definition is “temporary” and primarily an “administrative” function. No permanent alterations of any kind should be undertaken during this time.
  • The Temporary Administrator be in regular consultation with the Regional Vicar and the Office of Clergy Personnel.


    • The Temporary Administrator maintains the pastoral care of the parish community by assuring that:
    • Liturgical services are scheduled and staffed;
    • Debts incurred through the normal operation of the parish are paid;
    • Parish organizations are staffed and functioning properly;
    • The day-to-day administration of the parish is operating;
    • All employees are supervised and compensated justly; and
    • Any and all directives of the Archbishop, Vicars and Central Services are implemented as directed especially those specifically directed which are beneficial to the parish as it anticipates the appointment and the arrival of the pastoral leader.