100 General Human Resources Policies




All Archdiocesan employees and the employees of any parish or school shall comply with the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, available here.



All Archdiocesan employees and the employees of any parish or school shall comply with the Archdiocesan Statement of Policy for Child and Youth Protection, including all procedures for the hiring, screening, and training of employees. A copy of the Statement of Policy is available here.


Before terminating any Archdiocesan employee or the employee of any parish or school, the terminating manager shall consult with the Division of Human Resources, regardless of whether the employee is a contract or at-will employee and regardless of whether the employee is benefit eligible or not.


A) The terminating manager shall contact the Division of Human Resources.

B) Human Resources shall be consulted even if the employee’s contract calls for consultation with another Archdiocesan representative (for instance, if consultation with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools is required by the contract of a school employee).

C) Human Resources will contact Archdiocesan Legal Counsel as appropriate and will help to ensure that the contemplated termination is handled appropriately.



Every parish and school supervisor is responsible for maintaining an updated personnel file for every employee, including: personal information (e.g., address, telephone number, marital status, beneficiaries, resume, etc.), income tax information, performance evaluations, employment actions (e.g., promotions, transfers, disciplinary actions, awards, etc.), and position-specific information (e.g., job description, completion of required training, etc.).

Central Services personnel files are maintained by the Division of Human Resources.


A) Personnel files should be updated regularly and kept in a secure, private location.

B) Any health information or medical records (including FMLA forms, return to work slips, requests for accommodation, etc.) provided by an employee should be maintained in a separate, confidential file under lock and key.

C) Personnel files are the property of the Archdiocese or parish/school.

D) Benefits information, background checks, form I-9s, and authorizations to work ordinarily should be maintained in a separate file, in a secure, private location.



Principals of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore shall comply with all hiring policies set forth by the Archdiocese and the Department of Catholic Schools.


Why a Social Media Policy?

  • Use of the Internet and social media are essential to the Archdiocesan Mission of Evangelization and to the activities supporting the Mission.
  • Employees, clergy, and volunteers (subsequently referred to as “Church personnel”) in parishes, schools, offices, agencies and other organizations that operate under the administrative authority of the Archdiocese of Baltimore utilize the Internet and various social media in their official capacities to conduct the work of the Archdiocese.
  • Church personnel also may communicate on a social and personal level with associates, family, and friends. The use of social media provides the Archdiocese with important tools for evangelization, education, and ministry.
  • When using the Internet and social media, those working for the Church must be aware that their actions in this environment are viewed by a wide and potentially public audience.
  • Since it is possible for the public to be confused about whether a person is speaking in their official capacity or their personal capacity, Church personnel are required to adhere to the following policy regarding their use of the Internet and social media.

Related Archdiocesan Policies

This policy applies to the use of social media (which as used subsequently, refers to the use of the Internet, social networks, blogs, websites, tools, etc.) to conduct Archdiocesan ministry, to share official or personal communications, and to offer official or personal commentary or news. Social media must never be used in a way that violates any Archdiocesan policies or any employee obligations. All Archdiocesan policies governing the conduct of Church personnel remain in full force and effect with respect to the official or personal use by Church personnel of the Internet and social media, including but not limited to:

  • Code of Conduct for Church Personnel of the Archdiocese of Baltimore;
  • Statement of Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth;
  • Department of Catholic Schools Administration Policy on the Protection of Children and Youth;
  • Personnel Policies for Archdiocesan Priests and Deacons;
  • Archdiocesan Computer Use and Internet Policy; and,
  • Archdiocesan Harassment Policy.


1. Privacy. All persons using Church-owned technology and/or using their personally owned technology devices on Archdiocesan, parish or school grounds and networks or at Church-sponsored events, including utilization of the Internet and social media, have relinquished some degree of personal privacy. Church personnel should not have an expectation of privacy with respect to any social media post or message when using Church-owned communications systems, devices, or networks. Church personnel should be aware that individuals and organizations, including those with specific political or moral agendas, often monitor the social media accounts of Church personnel for their own purposes. To minimize such practices, Church personnel should use available privacy settings to control the visibility of their posted content.

2. Standard of Conduct. Church personnel are expected to represent the Church in faithful, authentic and loving ways, and should conduct themselves in such a way that a person’s behavior provides authentic witness to Gospel values. These values include treating all with respect, consideration, mercy and truthfulness, regardless of their approach to us. It is important to remember that information or opinions provided by Church personnel may be seen by others as representing the views or teachings of the Catholic Church. This policy and its standards of conduct apply to Church personnel whether they are using technology for official ministry business, or for personal matters.

3. Prohibited Conduct. Using technology to harass, demean, humiliate, intimidate,embarrass, or annoy individuals is prohibited. Posting of pornographic or offensive material (including hate literature,) and material of a defamatory or libelous or scandalous nature is also prohibited. This policy does not prohibit Church personnel from engaging in legally protected activities, such as discussing wages, benefits, or other terms of employment or ministry.

Church personnel may not disclose confidential or proprietary information of the Archdiocese, including student and financial information, sacramental information, and personally identifiable information, without authorization. Permission is to be obtained to post photographs or videos of students, employees, and parishioners. Appropriate copyright permission must also be obtained for the posting of copyrighted music or videos.

Church personnel should also avoid engaging in online debates when the Catholic Church is being criticized, as this may exacerbate situations and add to the attention of negative commenters.

4. Minors. Because minors are frequent users of social media and the Internet, all Church personnel communications conducted through social media must be appropriate and compliant with the Archdiocesan Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth, the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel, and the Administration Policy of the Department of Catholic Schools and/or any additional policy of an individual school governing the protection of children and youth.

5. Good Judgment. When communicating online and through social media, Church personnel should thoughtfully consider the contents and the message they will be conveying on social media. A good rule of thumb when using social media is: When in doubt, don’t post, send or publish.

6. Access to Technology. Except where permitted by Maryland law, the Archdiocese will not request Church personnel to disclose any username, password, or other means of accessing a social media account or service.

7. Discipline. Failure to comply with this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination, or in the case of volunteers, removal from their position.

NOTE: For more explanatory information on the application of this policy, see the new or Updated Human Resources Policies & Guidelines section at:https://www.archbalt.org/human-resources/hr-easy-reference-page/